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Our Purpose

Our purpose is to do all things necessary and incidental to the maintenance and support of trapshooting clubs in New Hampshire. Our purpose is to furnish recreational entertainment for New Hampshire citizens interested in trapshooting, and to foster the principles of good fellowship, good sportsmanship, and a higher standard of marksmanship among our members.

Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting Minutes Date: December 7, 2024
Place: Nashua Fish and Game Nashua NH 
Time: 3:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting Minutes Date: December 2, 2023 Place: Country Pond Fish and Game Newton, NH Time: 3:30 PM














President Littlefield called the meeting to order and lead the group in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.


Minutes from the annual meeting held December 3, 2022 and the state shoot meeting held July 30, 2023 had been published earlier. A motion was made by Susan Wright and seconded by Doug Whiton to accept the minutes as written. Passed U.


President Littlefield thanked everyone for their help and support in the past year. President Littlefield thanked Jason Green for his work as webmaster. President Littlefield extended the NHTA’s gratitude to those who helped with the state shoot. President also thanked Minute Man Sportsman’s Club and it’s staff for hosting the NH State Shoot. Treasurer Jack Cannon presented his report. Revenue for 2022 from dues, ATA rebate, program ad sales, raffles and shoot fees approximated $7,100. He stated expenses approximated $7,150 for trophies, insurance, website costs and program printing. He stated that the cash balance is approximately $12,000. A motion was made by Steve Grady and seconded by Peter Eaton to accept the report as presented. Passed U.



The Secretary reported that a letter had been received from the Trapshooting Hall of Fame thanking the association for its contribution resulting from the Hall of Fame Lewis at the state shoot.



Jason Green reported that activity on the site is very good with frequent visits by numerous shooters. He mentioned that the most important aspect of any website is content and that content has to current and relevant. He requested that any and all content be sent to him. He reported that the cost of hosting the website is about $150 anually. A question was posed about posting shoot results on the website. Jason responded that it could be done if furnished by clubs in a usable format.



Nominating Committee – John Cannillo reported that the committee had solicited candidates and arrived at the following proposed slate:

President Gary Littlefield

Vice-President Jason Green

Secretary Phil Wright

Treasurer Jack Cannon

Director Edith Allyn Page

Director Steve Szczechura

Director John Cannillo Real


Property Committee – No report.

Audit Committee – No report.



2023 Grand American:

Weather was beautiful again this year.

Attendance was up about 5% over the prior year.

8 NH Shooters attended. Nick Gibbs, Felipe Garcia, Steve Haynes, Allisen Reese, Mike and Theresa Blaisdell, Phil and Sue Wright.


ATA Business:

The ATA’s financial condition remains very solid.


Phil went over the report given to the ATA Directors by Lynn Gipson the Executive Director at the annual meeting held durng the Grand American. The report highlighted the growth of AIM, reducion in the average age of ATA members to 38 which is a decrease of 16% since 2013, ATA membership stands at around 63,000, ATA registered targets thrown in 2022 totaled almost 50,000,000 which is almost 60% of all tournament clay targets thrown by all 3 associations.



Missy Riley reported that the AIM4NH program is going well. She indicated that recruiting for the 2024 year is in full swing.



The State Team for 2024 was announced with 25 qualifying. Buckles and certificates will be awarded at the July meeting.




The date for the 2024 State Shoot was set for July 26-28, 2024 at Minute Man Sportsman’s Club.

Steve Grady volunteered to organize a raffle to be held at the state shoot.

Edie Page will again handle the trophies for the state shoot.

President Littlefield announced that all NH residents participating in the state shoot must be members of the NHTA in accordance with ATA rules. Stickers indicating membership will be afixed to ATA plastic cards and cashiering software is being enhanced so as to detect unpaid state association membership.

The passing of Ed Kelleher, John Ramsey and Dave Abdinoor was announced.

Peter Eaton won the drawing for the Kittery Trading Post $75 gift card.


ELECTION OF OFFICERS There were no additional nominations beyond those made by the Nominating Committee. There being no further nominations, the President directed the Secretary to cast one vote for the slate.



Respectfully submitted,

Phil Wright


Annual Meeting Minutes Date: December 2, 2023 Place: Country Pond Fish and Game Newton, NH Time: 3:30 PM


The two updates will now align all the New England States:

 Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.  


Update 1 : New Hampshire Youth must be a member of NHTA: 

Sub-Junior who has not reached his/her 15th birthday must paid a discounted fee of $5.00

Junior who is 15 but has not reached his/her 18th birthday must paid a discounted fee of $5.00

* Junior Gold shooter who is 18 but has not reached his/her 23rd birthday will pay full price $10.00 *


AIM4NH for the past 4 years has been an active part of the NHTA.* 


per ATA rules, all NH residents must be a member of NHTA to compete in the NH State Shoot. A sticker affixed to your ATA plastic card or cashiering software change will be implemented to aid in assuring compliance.



PAGE 3 & 4

C. STATE ORGANIZATIONS AND ATA DELEGATE ELECTIONS Shooters in the various States and Provinces are organized into State and Provincial Associations, which under the auspices of the ATA, control shooting in their own territories and conduct State and Provincial championship tournaments. Shooters are required to pay any fees and dues which may be set by these State/Provincial Associations in their place of residence in order to be considered members in good standing of that State/Provincial Association. Such associations receive assistance from the ATA in the form of trophies and cash refunds. This assistance is explained in Rule X., C. At each annual State or Provincial championship tournament sanctioned by the ATA, a business meeting will be held on a date and time specified in the program for the tournament. The meeting date must be one of the last three (3) days of the tournament, held no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and no later than 9:00 p.m. If, however, the meeting is held on the last day of the tournament then it must commence no later than 12:00 noon. At the business meeting 4 all members of the ATA residing in that State or Province, who are present in person at the meeting and are also members of their State or Provincial Association, who have been active members (e.g., having registered targets) in any two (2) target years, shall be entitled to vote for a State or Provincial Delegate and for not over two (2) Alternate Delegates. A current (paper) Average Card, the form of which shall be determined by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee, shall evidence ATA membership, Life and Annual. Annual memberships are effective on the date the application is completed and membership fee is paid. Intentionally falsifying information on the membership application will render it void. (See By Laws ARTICLE IV, Section 1: Elections). A member shall not be qualified to cast a ballot for a State or Provincial Delegate or Alternate Delegate(s) until properly qualified in accordance with this Paragraph. A shooter who has paid his/her dues and exhibits the receipt for payment may participate in registered shoots. The criteria for election as a State Delegate or Alternate Delegate are: - actual physical residence within the boundaries of the State/Province of representation, and - in receipt of life membership certificate from the ATA, and - a member in good standing of the State/Provincial Association of the State/Province of representation, and - ATA member in good standing for at least five (5) consecutive years, and - active participation as evidenced by registration of at least 3,000 targets total (Singles, Handicap and Doubles combined) in current and previous four (4) years, and of at least 500 targets each year in the current and previous four (4) years, and - Shall not have been suspended within the prior five (5) years or for a period of one (1) year or more. Target registration may be waived by the State or Provincial Association for shooters with an extensive target history who because of documented physical problems are not currently able to participate. Selection of the State or Provincial Delegate, and the Alternate Delegate(s) should be given the utmost consideration. Delegates (or in their absence Alternate Delegates), in a properly called meeting, constitute the Board of Directors of the ATA and as such have the responsibility of overseeing the operation of the Association. Only those persons who are responsible dedicated individuals should be considered.




UPDATE 2: New Hampshire Youth NH Championship fees 

Discounted targets for Resident Sub-Juniors and Junior in Event 4 when purses and options are not played


Sub-Junior who has not reached his/her 15th birthday must paid a discounted fee.

Junior who is 15 but has not reached his/her 18th birthday must paid a discounted fee.

* Junior Gold shooter who is 18 but has not reached his/her 23rd birthday will pay full price  *

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